Propoganda Poster

For my poster I decided to talk about a topic very close to me. I am from the Bahamas, and right now in the Bahamas the locals are fighting the government to stop them from allowing Americans to drill oil from our beautiful pristine ocean water we have, which brings in all of out tourism. While the drilling will bring in a lot of income for the Bahamas, it has some major down falls. If there is one little slip up, it will cause an oil spill in the Bahamas and kill all of our beautiful reefs and all of the species we have under water. So if this were to happen, we would not get any tourism anymore, seeing as our ocean is what brings in tourism, and tourism is our main source of income in the Bahamas. Also me being such an ocean lover, the thought of what could happen irritates me a lot. I did not use any inspiration from other posters, this idea popped into my head straight away, and I went with it, and I think it turned out amazing. People should...