Propoganda Poster


    For my poster I decided to talk about a topic very close to me. I am from the Bahamas, and right now in the Bahamas the locals are fighting the government to stop them from allowing Americans to drill oil from our beautiful pristine ocean water we have, which brings in all of out tourism. While the drilling will bring in a lot of income for the Bahamas, it has some major down falls. If there is one little slip up, it will cause an oil spill in the Bahamas and kill all of our beautiful reefs and all of the species we have under water. So if this were to happen, we would not get any tourism anymore, seeing as our ocean is what brings in tourism, and tourism is our main source of income in the Bahamas. Also me being such an ocean lover, the thought of what could happen irritates me a lot. I did not use any inspiration from other posters, this idea popped into my head straight away, and I went with it, and I think it turned out amazing.

    People should really agree with me because when people think of the Bahamas, they think of our beautiful beaches and ocean, and it is pretty clear that from what I already talked about, these things have a high chance of being ruined if the oil drilling begins. So if you would like the Bahamas to stay as beautiful as it is, I hope you agree with my poster. Lastly I used this color scheme because the colors of the Bahamas flag are yellow, blue, and black so I made that the base of everything, and I used the red writing because I thought it popped the most over the base colors I used.


  1. I think you're self portrait came out really good! The propaganda poster shows you're meaning well :)

  2. This is a really impressive self portrait. The detailing in the hair and eyebrows is impressive. The hsading on the hoodie is great too, it help to bring the image off the page.

  3. Your self portrait turned out really well, it almost looks realistic! I really love your propaganda poster though, it shows a lot of meaning to what is going on in the Bahamas and that needs to be recognized.

  4. Your self portrait came out amazing! You can tell you really put a lot of effort into this project. I love the idea behind the propaganda poster and think its a great topic to help more people learn about. Good job!

  5. First of all, your animation of your self portrait turned out spot on and super realistic. It's really cool seeing your work about your home in the Bahamas because we don't have a lot of students from that area. The message is clear and I love how you incorporated the colors on the Bahamian flag into your poster.


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