Casper Cafferata Introduction

    Hello, my name is Casper Cafferata, I am 18 years old, I am from the Bahamas, was raised on a little island called Grand Bahama, and I am a Sports Management Major here at the University of Tampa. Growing up on an island you can only really have fun when you are on the water, so I became very good at fishing and spearfishing, but mainly spearfishing. In the Bahamas you have to free dive when spearfishing, so I can hold my breath for around 4 minutes and free dive up to 130 feet. I am sponsored by 2 big spearfishing/free diving companies and am big into the social media aspect of what I do, so that is why I decided to take this class, to be able to use my skills I learn for social media.

    On social media I developed a big following of 400,000 followers, which is what I would say is my biggest accomplishment how ever, it does seem as if they are going to ban me from this specific platform due to a lot of people finding my spearfishing content hard to watch, which is understandable, but completely normal in the part of the world. My first feelings of the class are that it is going to be difficult, while also being very interesting because we are going to be learning some very useful skills. I have speared world record fish, and have been able to make a lot of money off of the amount of fish I can catch in a day, because I do it commercially. So I basically sell fish to the markets/restaurants and earned a solid profit off of my days on the boat when I was doing it very week.


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