The internet is network that connects computers all around the world. Through the internet you can share information from and to anywhere with an internet connection. The internet provides a capability to communicate with people all over the world via social media, email, etc. The people who invented the internet are Bob Khan and Vint Cerf. The internet was originally used as a government weapon more then 50 years ago in the Cold War, and also scientists and researchers used it in order to communicate with one another. Now it is obviously used for things such as social media/communication, quick and easy access to any information you may need, etc.

    The World Wide Web is an information system where different web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators. Simply it is the part of the internet that contains the websites and pages. The inventor of the World Wide Web is Tim Berners-Lee, it was invented in 1989 and it was made in order to meet the demand automated information sharing between scientists around the world. It was originally used for scientists to be able to share information around the world to one anther, but is now more so used for everyone in the world to be able to find information on anything they need.

    The internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing, they are interconnected, but they are two different things. The World Wide web is the pages you see on your device when you're online, where as the internet is the network of connected computer. So the reason they are interconnected is because the World Wide Web only works on the internet. The first ever website was launched on August 6th, 1991 by the same guy who invented the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. This is supposedly the link to the first ever website "".

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