Casper's Calligram Project

Estimated time: 2 and a half hours I enjoyed doing this project a lot more than the coding project, this was a lot more up my speed and a lot easier to figure out how to use and create the shapes I wanted to create. I am a commercial fisherman and spear-fisherman and when I am currently working on becoming a fishing you tuber/influencer, and have some huge collaborations coming up to try and full-fill my dreams. So I made a picture of my favorite fish to catch on line, a yellowfin tuna. I have never used Adobe Illustrator before, so it was very fun to try and figure out, and felt a lot more rewarding to make this image. Over all I love how the image turned out, because I used very small font to try and sharpen the shapes up a bit better so you could clearly see what it was, and with the color scheme I used, I think it tied the picture together and it turned out great. The image I took the inspiration from is shown below: The letter I wr...