Illustrator Homework #1


Video #1

    I think that layers are going to be the hardest thing to conquer for me and I may mess up a few activities trying to layer what I am creating. How ever once I get it down I will use it to create cool images a lot easier seeing as I will be able to keep things in the background and make the main images pop by keeping them on top of everything else. I found it very interesting how there were many little short cuts to do things inside the app, for example hitting 'A' for the direct selection tool in order to manipulate specific points of shapes.

Video #2

    I think that all of the little shortcuts, such as holding alt and clicking on a shape and dragging it in order to create another copy, are going to be a challenge to remember, how ever once they are remembered it will make life a lot easier. I will use this in order to create pictures a lot quicker and easier because this way I don't have to create new shapes, I can just duplicate shapes and adjust them to make them different. The most interesting thing I learnt in this video was how to change opacity, and how the opacity of your shape after you mix and match a whole bunch of different shapes in order to create an image, show over the top of each other to create a mix match effect.

Video #3

    I like the way that you can use the scissors in adobe in order to cut shapes in to different shapes and sizes, I also like how easy they made it to use, that way it will be quick when trying to create things such as logos or pictures. The way I will use the scissors is when I am doing my assignments, depending on what they are, I will cut shapes in order to match whatever I am making to make it quick and easy rather than going point by point trying to create the shapes I want. The most interesting thing I learned in this video was the difference in how to draw straight lines and curved lines, which we also learned about in class today.


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