BW to Color Photos


This is how all of my images turned out from the original photo, and I am very happy with the results. It took a lot of time, about 2 and a half hours, but it was a very relieving feeling to be done with it when I finished. I went with these choices of colors, because I feel like the fish in the photo that I am holding up, really pops out with either a bright background and a dark fish, or a bright fish, with a dark background. This is because it just really brings your eyes to the center of the photo where that color is so different compared to the others.


  1. I love the simplicity of these pieces. The photo you chose is really satisfying to look at with the different color combinations. I think the ones where the background isn't blue turned out really cool, because you can still tell what's happening in the picture.

  2. I really like the way you brought together a passion of yours and created this. I think the last option is my favorite because it makes you stand out and keep the ocean bright and blue.


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